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Building Your Urgent Care Playbook to Improve Patient-Centered Care

Despite the advancements in convenience and accessibility, patients are reporting extreme dissatisfaction with healthcare – not only around costs and...

5 Best Practices for Patient Engagement in Urgent Care

Patient engagement can make or break your business. At the same time patients have become increasingly dissatisfied with healthcare, they...

How to Retain Patients in Urgent Care

As COVID-19 testing wanes, your urgent care revenue hinges on retaining your new patients. Here is how to keep a...

How to Collect Patient Feedback in Urgent Care

The right approach to patient surveys — and the right motive for collecting feedback — can help you improve your...

5 Tips for Urgent Care Reputation Management

When running a business, particularly a consumer-facing one, your company’s reputation is everything. In today’s always-on, ever-connected world, this is...

How Patient Engagement Technology Improves Your Bottom Line

Patient engagement technology makes it easier to connect with your patients and win their repeat business. Here is how it...

How to Differentiate Your Urgent Care through Team Culture

Differentiating your brand is all about creating the right culture. And the culture that will set you apart is strongly...

4 Urgent Care Industry Trends that Impact Revenue in a New Era

Experity’s webinar on urgent care industry trends dove into four key areas that will impact business success in this new...

Webinar Q&A: 4 Emerging Trends for a New Era in Urgent Care

See how Alan Ayers responded to ten great questions asked by people who attended our webinar 4 Emerging Trends for...

Relationships Matter at WellFast Urgent Care

According to Dr. Manuel Delarosa, WellFast Urgent Care was “an experiment” started by two ER physicians in 2006 who were...

How to Increase Patient Engagement (and why it matters)

Digital patient engagement tools are increasingly sophisticated and can help urgent care clinics better manage the patient experience, make staff...

How to Create a Customer Journey Map for Your Telehealth Patients

Every patient’s journey is different from the rest. We’ll walk you through the two main steps of creating a comprehensive...

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